Site Moving!

Hello everyone,

First off, if you’re reading this and wondering what rock I’ve been under, well it’s multicolored and flat. And large.

The focus of this update is to let everyone know that my website is moving to

In truth, I’d already moved my site over to a regular (and that one is already redirecting to the correct page), but somehow WordPress kept this site hanging around. Website managing is very confusing and makes me cry.

Starting later today, all people trying to visit my site will be redirected to the correct page, where I swear to do stuff semi occasionally. The redirect will last for a year, after which I may delete the old site all together.

The new site already has links to my Discord server on there, my Facebook group, and I’m opening up review requests again. Once I get a few more cosmetic things updated, I’ll be moving over the rambles, opening up a store just for signed stuff so that it’s all secure and official, then losing my mind.

Thank you all for checking in on me.

– Stephan Morse

February Happened! Book release, new chapters, future of reviews

This year’s been a long annoying one in terms of real life. The government shutdown impacted my day job – a lot – and part of my daily tasks are still cleaning it up. But, you probably don’t want to hear about that. If you’re reading this, on my website or through an Email alert – you want to know what I’ve been writing.

Well, words. That’s what.

Feb 26th marked the first book I’ve published in almost a year and a half. Liars Called – a modern fantasy apocalypse story, is my attempt at a faster paced somewhat amoral hero in a world gone mad. I enjoyed writing it, have the 2nd novel going through editing now, and will start writing the 3rd one after I finish another book.

Link to Liars Called here:


The Fiasco 2 is still on my plate. I hate that I haven’t finished it yet because the story’s so insane and fun. Superheroes are exciting – but writing it has always been a mind drain. It’s like trying to steer a shopping cart with two bad wheels using one hand while holding a two year old over my shoulder. Which I’ve done – you parents out there can probably relate.

Draft chapters for The Fiasco In School here:


I managed to write a lot of Lawless Ink’s 2nd book. That story’s a bit easier and is at chapter 9 out of a plotted 25 or so. It should be roughly the same size as the first book and answer a ton of questions. If my notes are right, Lawless Ink is planned for four books – I can’t bring myself to do the endlessly open series.

Draft chapters for Lawless Ink here:


Fridays Online is my big push going into March. Given mental focus and motivation (frequently lacking but I try for you guys and gals none-the-less), I want to finish it by the end of the month – or partway through April. It needs a good solid cover on par with Continue Online’s, editing, which makes me pull my teeth, and then it’ll be ready to go.

Draft chapters for Fridays Online here:


We’re planning on moving forward with audio books too. I’m always stunned that anyone out there likes audio, but if that helps people enjoy the work, so be it. Finding a narrator who worked as well with us as Pavi might be hard though.

I want to do an audio book for The Fiasco – but I’ll probably have to do a rewrite pass to make it a bit more vocal friendly – some of the stuff in there doubles up on words or phrases too much and if I read it out loud (Like I do for Lawless but on that one I use a bad John Wayne accent), it has some stumbling points.

My whole review system is probably going to get overhauled, moved, or deleted. I don’t like managing pages on WordPress – while it’s easy – it’s a pain to deal with after the fact. It might be possible with a better system or a personal version of the website. Dealing with webpage coding, trying to write, my day job – it’s too much from my pea brain to handle. So, unless I can find an easy way to make the webpage pretty with reviews, I probably won’t be doing anymore, any time soon.

We’ll see how March goes. I’ll work on posting more.


Kicking off 2019! A ramble, review, and new chapter.

Hey everyone!

Here’s a review for the week, on the TV series Happy! – which is based off a graphic novel. Very fun, for my full thoughts on the series, click here.

I also assembled a ramble on my latest public book, Lawless Ink – which contains some thoughts as the writer while assembling the book. If you’re into the behind the scenes mumbles, here’s some text on that!

Another chapter for Lawless Ink was released yesterday – proving I can do stuff even on Holidays. Weird.

We’re also reaching out to some people to get real covers designed. The current stuff we have is great artwork, but not great cover material. I’d like to think we’ve learned since Continue Online’s covers were first started. For details on that, you’d have to check out my Patreon – since anything art related is put over there as an extra. A simple $1 a month helps cover website costs, art, and editing.


Dec: Patreon changes, new chapters, what’s next

Hey All,

Here it is, the end of December. Time to figure out what I’ve done.

A few chapters of Lawless Ink have been released on the Royal Road website. The entire book is now up – and up to chapter 6 of Book 2.

Those of you that loved Continue Online should check out Fridays Online – a follow up story. It’s up to “session 12” which is chapter 14 if you count the commencement / interlude nonsense I seem to love.

I could use responses on both – every comment helps me figure out what’s working and what isn’t.

Patreon has been trimmed down. It still has all the art posts there, and any future art posts will be going there – but commissioning for art is pretty much on halt due to saving money for a new house. Until my funds are “Free” – we’re unlikely to see anything new. I’ve removed the  tiers except a simple $1 for anyone who wants to donate at all. Everything should be accessible at that tier.

There’s a unadvertised ramble here.

Next week I’ll start posting Liar Called sometime, and let people know once that starts. Much different / darker main character.

If any page is missing the ability to comment on this site, let me know at or Facebook at

The newsletter is probably going away as I’d like to trim down the “extras” being managed badly, focus on only a few channels of communication, and make it easier for everyone to get updates on what I’m doing.

Drop a line! I can’t write in a vacuum.

I mean, I will. But it’s not motivating.


bestselling author, also known as Victoria Hawthorne

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